Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah

Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah is an athlete and activist from Ghana. Yeboah was born in 1977[1] with a severely deformed right leg.[2] In 2001, he rode the 400 miles across Ghana[1] to bring attention to the plight of the disabled in that country.[2] In the process, he applied for a grant of a bicycle from the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF).[2]

After completing the cross-country trek in Ghana, the CAF invited him to participate in the 2002 Triathlon Challenge in San Diego, CA.[2] During the course of Yeboah's visit, doctors from Loma Linda University Medical Center informed him that he was an excellent candidate for a prosthetic leg.[2] Following a successful surgery and six week recovery, Yeboah entered the CAF triathlon, reducing his time by 3 hours.[2] Yeboah was subsequently awarded the CAF Most Inspirational Athlete of the Year Award and Nike's Casey Martin award.[2]

Yeboah received approximately $50,000 those awards. Upon returning to Ghana, he used the money to open the Emmanuel Education Fund for promising students with disabilities.[2][3] In 2005, Yeboah's story was captured in Emmanuel's Gift, narrated by Oprah Winfrey.[2] He is currently working on building schools for children in Ghana, with or without disabilities. Usually, disabled kids in Ghana have to pay for their education, even at public schools.


  1. ^ a b "One-Legged Cyclist Transforms African Nation",ABC News, retrieved 22 February 2010
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Emmanuel's Gift, IMDB, retrieved 22 February 2010
  3. ^ Emmanuel Educational Foundation and Sports Academy: About Us

External links

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